Well….how damn dumb do you have to be to think the most important thing to do with your time is go out and protest against something that doesn’t exist? That’s just what it happening with all of the non-degreed white women who elected a trump clone for governor of Virginia….and have beenĀ polled that critical race theory was the most important thing that got them to vote for the repub….and they don’t want it taught to their children…which it isn’t in any school across the country. So, why would they think it is? It’s the Koch’s again who have set up an interlocking network of “news” organizations. podcasts, and rallies that use that non-existent theory to stir up the racist whites and keep them agitated by bombarding them with crap like “all white kids are racist” according to the theory and that is what is going to be taught to them if CRT is allowed into the schools….and one of the messages that is repeatedĀ by this network is that slavery wasn’t that bad and it wasn’t whites fault since every race has owned slaves in the past. If you remember, it was the Koch’s who were behind the astroturf tea party that came into being after Obama was elected…and that was no coincidence…they know they can gin up outrage in these people since they are primed for it by fox news, sinclair, and the rest. My question is history is history, shouldn’t kids be taught the truth? That this damn country was built on the backs of slaves and racism is still pretty prevalent…how do you fix something if you don’t let kids see the truth? I feel bad for people who are being used as foot soldiers in this war on progress in this country….but they have a responsibility to seek out the truth and it is just lazy on their part to take the easy path and just let fox news rot their brains….geez….