Well…have been working around here today trying to get caught up on the stuff that I put off before the wedding with some luck..not much, but some…I did have a topic but forgot it..oh, maybe a short one about the Kochs again? One thing that all of us that are on the side of rationality have to do when the right tries to equate the Kochs spending on trying to buy themselves a government to the contributions of people like Soros on the left is just this: in the last election cycle the Kochs spent 411 million dollars while George Soros spent about 4 million….which of these is more? 411 million or 4 million? Are they equal? Not in any way shape or form…we on the left need to keep talking about this, this purchasing of the government by the Kochs…they are starting to flinch from the sunlight like any good vampire….geez…