Tag Archives: voting

Skewing the polls…

Well…if you’re concerned that the polls appear to be tightening with the idiot trump gaining ground, it’s all an illusion made by right wing repub allied pollsters flooding the country with new polls that are then added to the polling averages…and idiot boy’s favorite pollster, Rasmussen, has been shown to be collaborating directly with idiot boy’s campaign to make it look like he is more viable than he is…and the same thing is happening across all the swing states so take the polls with a mountain of salt…at least the aggregated ones like 538 that are more than happy to keep the biased polls in their averages…look, the only thing you have to think about is actual votes now that early voting has started and the enthusiasm our side has…and so far, the indications are that we are in good shape but still…get out and vote…I’ve voted already since the dems made it so easy with permanent absentee voting with no reason necessary…and that’s another reason to vote dem…they want everyone eligible to vote while the repubs want to prevent even eligible people from voting…and don’t believe the bullshit coming out of the repubs that undocumented immigrants are voting…just doesn’t happen…ever…geez…

Rand Paul is just so dumb….

Well…not sure if you read about it or saw it but Rand Paul went off on a twitter rant the other day about how you “steal” an election…but there is only one little problem about his rant…what he described was how to get people to turn out and vote for you legally….and I thought to myself “can he really be this dumb?” If you look at the loads of other stupid crap that comes out of this idiot, you would have to say yes…it seems every damn day this moron is going off on something or someone for no reason other than the attention he gets from it…I guess he is just voicing the belief of almost every repub these days that the only valid election is one they win and anything that our side does to win is “stealing” the election…..I wonder how this idiot deals with the almost constant ridicule that his “sage pronouncements” get…I mean a thousand people or more pointing out how dumb he is by responding to his tweet? We all know that repubs have no self awareness and aren’t too bright but damn, this is a whole new level of stupidity…and from a sitting US senator…I can only shake my head…geez…

It’s going to be a close one…

Well…it has been another slow day and I did get the bike ride in so I guess there is that….but, I don’t want to talk about that right now…I really want to comment on the new polls that are out today that show the election can go either way…either we keep the senate and keep the crazies at bay, or we lose it and see the most dysfunctional government there has ever been….can you picture hundreds of Obamacare repeal votes, and an impeachment circus like you have never seen? That is what you’ll get if we don’t get out there and vote…and that is the frustrating thing, if we go out and vote, we win…and I cannot fathom why people don’t see that…do we really want the turtle McConnell…the king of obstruction in charge of the senate? And don’t give me the nonsense that “both parties are bad” it’s just not true…there is only one party who thinks women are second class citizens, who don’t want anyone but white people to vote, and who think that “corporations are people, my friend”….if that is the kind of country you want…I feel bad for you since you have divorced yourself from reality and have bought into the delusions of the right. All we have to do is vote and we can restore sanity to parts of the country…not all, since the repubs have rigged the game so well in the red states…but we can start to change that if we just vote…no excuses, just vote….

It’s up to us…

Well….with the election coming up, I am going to keep hammering on the point that we outnumber the crazy asses on the right and it is up to us whether or not we want to win these elections…whether or not we want idiots like Snyder to continue to take away worker’s rights and give your tax dollars away to corporations while they treat women like second class citizens. It’s up to us who controls the senate and whether or not Obama is impeached…all we have to do is vote…take a couple of hours of your time on election day to deny the Koch’s from using their inherited wealth to buy our country and impose their crazy assed right wing views on the rest of the country…and, it is up to you whether or not the religious crazies can force you to adhere to their religion in the name of “freedom”…just vote…it’s not complicated, just vote…that’s all…

If we vote, we win….

Well…have been feeling like crap all day today and I know it’s from a bug this time and not something I’ve done to myself…and, I wanted to get to a short one here to try to not get too far behind this month so I won’t be tempted to do placeholders and other nonsense to get the number for the month…one of the things that I find so simple to understand about modern elections is something that Markos has said over at Kos and it is something that needs to be repeated often….”if we vote, we win…”…with the fact that we progressives far outnumber the righties almost everywhere across this country, and the changing demographics that show that the fastest growing groups will vote progressive (or dem) if you want to say it that way, the only thing we need to to to take this country back from the rich and the idiots on the right is to vote….and to vote every time, in every election from dogcatcher to president…from school boards, to municipalities…we just need to vote to restore sanity to our country…to restore equality and opportunity to our economy and to keep the rich from buying the government…just vote, it’s that simple…geez…

Why do the repubs always have to rig the system?

Well…I know I’ve talked about the way that the repubs in Wisconsin and other midwestern states are trying to rig the system by taking away union’s rights to collectively bargain, but there is an even more egregious attempt at rigging taking place in states that have large college populations. In those states, the newly elected repub governors are changing voting rules that will effectively take away the right to vote from any college student that does not own property in that state, or whose parents don’t own property in that state. All of this is being done under the fake old problems that the repubs love to use when they lose elections: voter fraud. You and I both know the real reason behind these moves is to limit the voting of a population that normally does not vote for repub candidates, and it has been tried in many other guises to try to limit the voting of minorities who also don’t normally vote for repubs. Should we expect anything different from a party whose members have used a rigged system in education, economics, and politics to get everything they have?

When are we going to wake up and see these thugs for what they are, the most undemocratic party that has ever infested our political landscape and who will stop at nothing to cling to the last vestiges of power and privilege they now hold. Geez….

A running commentary…* *

Well…I think I’ll keep going with a running stream-of-consciousness commentary on the day since it is an important one…I did get out to vote and it only took about 15 minutes even though my polling precinct had changed….and I have to thank the people that man the polling places and keep a smile on their faces through the crushes and the boredom. I forgot that I had finally updated my address…but the new precinct is in sight of my place so that is really convenient. I have to thank T for setting lunch for today and I think that will offset the gloom that I am feeling…but I will still believe that we can come through this as a nation…but the question is: “will it be better for folks like you and me?” If we can go by history, we are in for at least two years of gridlock and posturing where the repubs highest stated purpose is to defeat Obama in 2012. Is that any plan for governance? Nope, and we have seen they don’t care about that…my hope is that the dems (or some middle of the road third party) will take the next two years to sharpen their message that will further define what the repubs really are….and if all goes well…the repub leadership will anger the tea partiers and drive them away. The knives have already come out against Palin from the repub establishment but is Karl Rove any better? Questions, questions, questions…more later…but I may just edit this one..look in the title for stars…if you see one, I’ve added or edited…

I think a kind of resignation has set in this afternoon but the lunch and talk with T got me down off the ledge….it’s going to be a bad night so the BV will flow later and I may have to just turn the tv off and watch a couple of movies on the computer, but, being the political animal that I am, I don’t think I’ll be able to completely avoid all of the political stuff. If they lose badly….I think the Dems should scrap the healthcare plan they passed and go for broke in the lame duck session..to a single payer system that cuts the parasite insurance companies out of the loop and pays them back for the unlimited money they spent buying the government through the repubs. And, a disclosure law that forces this money to be identified…then we in the middle can make them pay in their profits; since it is the only thing they understand. More later…

Okay…here’s the last one for the day….I will say this…I like the BV…it’s one of those things that I told my kids and I have to remember….don’t worry about things until they happen…I know it’s been predicted that it will be a bloodbath for the Dems…but, I’m going to take the rest of the night off from thinking about the election…since the losses haven’t happened yet…I think the sun will still come up tomorrow…but I’m not sure…

Go vote…

Well…another election day has come and I feel the way I did in 2004 when the whole world couldn’t figure out how we could re-elect ole GW. And now, we are poised to give the house back to the guys that ruined the economy for ruined economy part two. But the bad thing is that the work that the Dems did to keep the economy from falling off a cliff is starting to have some results…that the repubs will take credit for and attribute it to their new round of tax cuts for the rich. But, you should know that…and I don’t know what I can do to make people believe the truth.

I’ll keep this one short for now since the message I want to get across to all of you progressives and anyone else that may be sitting on the fence at this late date…”Get out and Vote”….I hope we’ll survive this mess…