Well…getting to the end of election season and I am pretty happy that I won’t have to see any more ads after then…and, it looks like the good guys are going to lose the senate…at least that’s what the polls say….there is one small thread of hope that we still have and that is if the GOTV actions are not reflected in the polls…but I am not going to go all right wing delusional about it…if we lose, it’s our fault for not voting since we outnumber them…at least we won’t have Terri Land as a senator and that may be the only consolation we can take away from this one….there is one thing that will be sure if the repubs do take the senate…more Obamacare repeal votes…more investigations and none of the country’s business getting done…ole Ted Cruz is so delusional that he thinks he’d have the votes to override a veto…that’s not going to happen…ever….but these folks have never been encumbered by reality…so I guess I’m not surprised…to end this thing, the only thing that will fix this country is for you to go out and vote…I trust that most of you who come here every day are at least a little progressive so get out there and vote for more equal rights for everyone….if any of you are repubs, I just heard on Fox news that Ebola can be transmitted through voting machines so you should stay home to be safe…after all you believe everything Fox says don’t you?
Tag Archives: election
It’s the ideas…nothing else…
Well…just a short one on the dissection that is going on right now about the election last night…the whole thing has centered on the mechanics of the election…about the execution and the organization that won the election…but I don’t think that’s it at all, I think it was the ideas that won the day…that people didn’t want more tax cuts for the rich…they don’t want the government interfering in peoples lives…that the whole idea of trickle down economics is not the direction that most of the people want to see…we want to see a way to strengthen the middle class and have good jobs for everyone that wants one…and they like the direction we are going…so, let’s keep going…
Okay, we won…haven’t seen anybody fired yet…
Well…have been nursing the hangover from the election all day, and that, combined with the cold I’m still fighting, have kind of laid me low today…but, I did want to comment a little on some thoughts on the election that have been bubbling up all day…first, na na na…to Karl Rove and his minions who thought they could buy this election…how did spending that billion dollars work out for ya? Ole Karl was just crazed after Ohio was called and I just laughed so hard with him trying to get his own network to rescind the call…second…I wonder how many businesses were closed and people fired today? To listen to these idiots, the lights were going to go off across America the instant Obama got re-elected…haven’t seen any yet…and now with us still in control of most of the government, there needs to be a new law that will make it a crime to threaten your employees if they don’t vote the way you want…third…and this one just make me laugh…the tea partiers are just going frickin crazy today..with the Ohio chapter putting out an obituary for America today on their site…the only thing I have to say is grow the frick up….American is in better hands than yours and your 15 minutes is up…crawl back under the rock you came from…the days of angry white guys running this country are over and not a day too soon…hmmm….what else? That’s enough for now…oh, I even watched Fox last night just to see how bad is was for them…I can’t remember being this happy in a long, long time…
Gonna be getting a bunch of these…
Well…with the election getting closer and closer, I am going to be free forming this and trying to get thoughts down as I have them…which means you’ll be getting a bunch of these in the next 24 hours…I am getting so excited about this election and I’m sitting here vibrating with the new projection from Nate Silver at 538 that says that Obama now has an 86% chance at winning tomorrow and I may even be able to let myself breathe a little…I may even watch Fox a little when the results are certain to listen to how fast they make excuses and throw ole Mitt under the bus…and there will be nothing but excuses…not that their ideas as so far out of of the mainstream that the country is rejecting them but that they just weren’t conservative enough…get the point repubs…people don’t want your crazy assed ideas of putting the government into women’s health decisions or any of the others…I can’t wait for ole Mitt and crazy Paul to go away…geez…
Buying an election in Wisconsin…
Well…since it is election day in Wisconsin, I thought I’d write a couple of lines here about it and see if I can be at least a little lucid…it has been a struggle lately to have something to say and I’m not sure why…but, I’ll just keep trying….so, let’s get on to the election…it looks like Scott Walker may win it…no matter that he hasn’t created one job, he has taken away rights from the working class, and he has divided a state that was once united in doing what was right for everyone in the state. I guess when you inject over 35 million dollars of the 1%’s money into an election, you can fool the people into voting for anything…so, it looks like the Koch brothers have bought themselves a state and with it have driven another nail into the coffin of bi-partisanship….it is a sad day….
I think it was worth it…
Well…have been reading a lot of newspapers today, and over the last few days and a new idea has popped into my head…that whatever the cost in seats that the Dems paid in this election, it was worth it to get the legislative victories that they got in this congress. It was worth it to get started on reforming healthcare…and I don’t believe that the law as enacted is perfect by any means, but it is a good basis where the normal process of implementation and change that almost all legislation goes through can begin. It was worth it to get consumer protection where there was only big business dictates before….and it was worth it to get some little financial regulation back in place on the banks that ruined our economy.
Now, I don’t know if that was a political calculation on the Dems part; I’m sure no party wants to lose seats and give up control of any part of government they used to get these accomplishments, but, to me, it was certainly worth it to push the balance of power just a little ways back towards you and me….and lets hope that the repubs don’t waste the country’s precious time with the nonsense they are promising..or we’ll have the house back in 2012…
Go vote…
Well…another election day has come and I feel the way I did in 2004 when the whole world couldn’t figure out how we could re-elect ole GW. And now, we are poised to give the house back to the guys that ruined the economy for ruined economy part two. But the bad thing is that the work that the Dems did to keep the economy from falling off a cliff is starting to have some results…that the repubs will take credit for and attribute it to their new round of tax cuts for the rich. But, you should know that…and I don’t know what I can do to make people believe the truth.
I’ll keep this one short for now since the message I want to get across to all of you progressives and anyone else that may be sitting on the fence at this late date…”Get out and Vote”….I hope we’ll survive this mess…
Throttling back my dismay…
Well…I know that some of these over the past month or so have been extremely strident and they have not lived up to my call for reasonableness in our political discourse. But, I’m human and seriously flawed so what did you expect? As I said a couple of days ago, I have to remember to not take this stuff so personally…but, if I do that, I won’t have anything to write about but flowers and puppies and I don’t think you’ll come back. It’s like taking antidepressants…yeah, they work, kinda, but the edges get taken off so you look like Iowa…really flat. So, I’m going to continue to rail about the things that are not right, that are not for the benefit of ALL of the people, not just the rich and powerful. And, one promise that I will make that none of the outlets and bloggers on the right will do, I will stick to the facts…there will never be any lies that will come out of this site, and if something good happens, I don’t care whose idea it is…if something gets this country moving again and proves me wrong in my opinions…I will freely admit it and tip my hat.
I only want one thing from the citizens of America…hold the new guys accountable this time…just as you have held Obama accountable (even if it is for things he didn’t do)…open your eyes and ears to the lies and really see when inequality is being sold as fairness and infringement of your rights is being sold as safety..after all, we are Americans, and we are tough and fair, let’s not let money scare us into voting against our own self interest. See you on the other side…of the election…