Well…getting to the end of election season and I am pretty happy that I won’t have to see any more ads after then…and, it looks like the good guys are going to lose the senate…at least that’s what the polls say….there is one small thread of hope that we still have and that is if the GOTV actions are not reflected in the polls…but I am not going to go all right wing delusional about it…if we lose, it’s our fault for not voting since we outnumber them…at least we won’t have Terri Land as a senator and that may be the only consolation we can take away from this one….there is one thing that will be sure if the repubs do take the senate…more Obamacare repeal votes…more investigations and none of the country’s business getting done…ole Ted Cruz is so delusional that he thinks he’d have the votes to override a veto…that’s not going to happen…ever….but these folks have never been encumbered by reality…so I guess I’m not surprised…to end this thing, the only thing that will fix this country is for you to go out and vote…I trust that most of you who come here every day are at least a little progressive so get out there and vote for more equal rights for everyone….if any of you are repubs, I just heard on Fox news that Ebola can be transmitted through voting machines so you should stay home to be safe…after all you believe everything Fox says don’t you?