Well…if you had any doubts that the delusions on the right were going to be tempered by their ass kicking in the elections, you were right…with people freezing and homeless out on the east coast, guess what the first bill that the idiot Bachmann introduced at the start of the new session….and if you had the human thought it may be to help these people, you just don’t understand the modern repub party. The first bill was…ta dah…the 34th attempt to repeal Obamacare! Nevermind that the Supreme Court upheld the law and nevermind that the last congress got the least work done of any in history…these terrible, terrible people on the right are back to their old ways of screw everyone but their rich donors and corporations. I know you’ve heard this before from me but you have to look at it objectively…with unemployment and underemployment still rampant…not one bill out of the House to help regular Americans find work….not one bill to eliminate corporate subsidies when corporate profits are at an all time high….and not one bill to restore fairness to the tax system and eliminate the tilt toward the rich. We need to do whatever we can to restore the America of “one for all and all for one” to steal the phrase from Dumas….and send these idiots back to the hell they came from…geez….