Well….the repubs are out with their latest tax scheme and it is aimed right at poor and middle class taxpayers…and for people like me who live on SS and have no income tax liability, it would raise our tax obligation to 30%. If you haven’t read about it yet, the repubs propose to get rid of the IRS and income taxes and replace them with a 30% sales tax on everything…and that would be the biggest tax increase on middle and low income taxpayers in history, and the biggest tax cut on the rich and corporations in the history of the country…as actual economists have commented, sales taxes are the most regressive type of taxes that there are and they impact the poor most since the percentage of their income taken with the sales tax is such a greater proportion than the rich…and I really don’t know how I would even be able to live if my SS was cut by 30%…but this is what the repubs always do when they are in charge…attack the poor and middle class even though they are their voters…and those idiots keep voting for them and that leads us to where we are now…with SS and Medicare in danger and the biggest tax increase in history proposed by these idiots…geez…