Tag Archives: AI

Artificial intelligence is a waste…

Well…not sure if you know this or not, but every time anyone uses AI it costs 150 gallons of water to cool the servers it is hosted on…and the energy use for AI is already more than what is used to power an entire state…and what good is it? Have you ever used it for anything that makes your life better? Just last week it was reported that Bill Gates is hoping to restart the shuttered Three Mile Island Nuclear power plant just to power his AI servers and others who are trying to monetize AI are looking for power anywhere they can find it…including restarting coal-fired plants that have been shut down due to their effect on climate change…I guess my question is how can a few billionaires be allowed to use so many resources for their vanity projects that will wreck the environment? I know that these assholes are now looking at the Great Lakes for the billions of gallons of cooling water they need but what happens when they raise the temperatures of the lakes so much that there will be no ice at all in the winter? And what does that do to the wildlife that live there? Look, I think the benefits of AI have been overstated by the billionaires who only have one thing in mind…profit…that will cost all of us as they vacuum up resources that should be used for the common good and not to line the pockets of the 1%…the brakes need to put on this bullshit…after all, not one of these robber barons can tell you what AI will do to make your life better…it has already ruined internet searches that used to just give you the information you asked for but now give you crap that you have to wade through and still not get what you were searching for as it guesses what you really meant…I sure don’t need that…geez…