Tag Archives: antitrust lawsuits

Do you think the idiot trump would do this?

Well…I really can’t fathom why the presidential race is close at all when only one of the candidates care about the people of this country at all…and the latest good thing that Biden has done is to go after the monopolies that are causing prices to rise just because of consolidation and greed…so now the Biden administration has filed an antitrust lawsuit against three biggies…amazon for squeezing it’s sellers and jacking up prices…apple, that used it’s power to kill off challengers…and ticketmaster/live nation who used it’s monopoly to jack up ticket prices and tack on massive fees..sometimes even more than the ticket cost…in your wildest imagination, do you think trump would do any of this if he was in office? Yeah, we know that answer…not in a million years…he would try to deregulate all of these crooked companies and take a bribe for doing it…so damn, Americans…open your frickin eyes…geez…