Well…going to get off politics for a minute and comment on the wailing and gnashing of teeth going on in the tech industry right now with the sales of Apple’s Iphones tanking and year over year growth in negative territory. All of the articles I have read make it appear that the pundits and Apple are confused on why this would be…why is their money printing machine starting to stall? Damn, Tim Cook…the answer is so damn simple that I have it…do you really think any phone is worth a thousand dollars or more? That is the price point that the new Iphones meet…let’s say that again…a thousand dollars for a frickin phone? What does it do better than my 139 dollar used Samsung Galaxy S-7? Does it send texts directly to your brain? Does it take holographic pictures that you can play like R2D2 did in Star Wars? Does it cook dinner for you? Nope to all of those…so why is a stupid phone priced more than two laptops? I think the hubris of the people at Apple has finally blinded them to the economic reality of the world….I mean you can buy a phone, a laptop, a tablet, an Instant Pot and a new set of tires for what Apple is charging for their latest phone…and people are starting to realize that the premium Apple has been able to charge until now is no longer worth it…and that’s your problem, Tim….
Well…there was an interesting and spirited argument that I caught on the Guardian’s site yesterday that I wanted to comment on about the possibility that Apple could or should bring it’s manufacturing back to the US since, even paying American wages, they would still be more profitable than most other US companies. I was a little amazed that most of the people that were commenting basically said “to hell with American workers”; that they brought on their joblessness on themselves and drove manufacturing to Asia because they were so greedy…and that Apple can’t really afford to pay more than the slave wages they pay in China….one of the first things that came to mind reading these comments was “when did American workers, our neighbors and friends, become such a hated group?” Then, the second thing that came to mind was “they can’t afford to pay their workers more but they can give one guy, the ceo, 376 million dollars a year?” Until we can grow some empathy in the 1% and cut back on their entitlement mentality that they “earn” every penny of their compensation, the economy here is going to just drift and the middle class will continue to die….geez…
Well…I’ve never been a fan of Apple products and the iron-fisted control that they exert over their use and, as such, have never owned one…with that disclaimer out of the way, I do need to comment on the news that came out yesterday that the new CEO there is going to be compensated 378 million dollars…yep, you heard it right…one person at Apple is going to make more money than entire countries do…doesn’t anyone else see anything wrong with that? Especially when Apple outsources all of it’s production to sweat shop factories in China? How many American’s could they employ if this idiot only took say 50 million dollars? Or, how many dividends could they pay to stockholders? Just another example of why people are showing up at “Occupy” rallies and the conversation has changed in this country to highlight this nonsense…especially when you can’t even say with a straight face that this idiot “earned” the money…so, I will shout into the wind again…Boycott Apple until this nonsense ends…geez…
What you never want to be….