Well…what the hell can you say when one of our political parties is run by a lunatic whose troglodyte followers were allowed to attack the US capital? And the idiot trump told them to do it in a speech just an hour before the attack…so, again, as I have asked many, many times in the last 4 years: “is this enough for you repubs?” Is it finally enough that treason was committed in front of your face on national tv? And then you and your colleagues were threatened by the attacks? And these thugs then broke into the capital and trashed the place…and it is all on cctv…so when is the FBI going to find and arrest every damn one of them? This one is quite disjointed since I am so damn outraged that trump has been allowed to spout his bullshit and egg these assholes on with no consequences…and even when the attacks were happening, idiot boy tweeted out “love you guys” as they were trashing the capitol…then, these traitors were allowed to just walk out of the capital like they had just finished taking a tour….imagine if these were BLM protestors….there would be a hundred dead and thousands in jail right now….there had better be investigations and arrests of all of them…including trump…the rule of law is hanging by a thread and inaction will cut that thread…geez…