Well…it’s been a while since I’ve talked about the militarization of police forces across America, but I read an article today that brought it back to the front of my brain and I thought I’d weigh in again. In Billings Montana last week, a swat team broke into a family’s house, threw in flash bang grenades, and attacked the people inside with a 12 year old getting seriously burned. All on the idea that the people in the house were running a meth lab….and the police chief came out and said they had warrants and did everything right…and didn’t attack until they had “evidence” that there was a crime taking place. Only thing was, their “evidence” was completely wrong…no meth lab, no people selling meth, no crimes at all. That make me wonder what the hell ‘strong evidence’ did they have?” So, if the evidence was wrong, utterly, completely wrong, where did they get it? And, how did they get a judge to approve the warrants on lies? One of the residents of the house, who have lived there for years, asked: “…why didn’t they just come up and knock on the door?” The invalid owner was even trying to open the door when they kicked it in. I think this is just another incidence where the police just love playing army men in their little swat teams…this police chief should get fired for this nonsense…..and the ones that developed the “evidence” should go to jail. Geez…
One last thing…who the heck throws a flash bang grenade into a suspected meth lab? Those things blow up all by themselves every day….