Well…judging how the media covers Kamala Harris, you would think that she is the worst person in the world…after all, she bought a 350 dollar pot a couple of weeks ago that was “news” for a couple of weeks but now, there is even a bigger scandal that erupted yesterday…she uses corded earbuds instead of bluetooth ones! Yeah, that was sarcasm but the media has been on the “scandal” for two full days now after Harris said that bluetooth ones are a security risk and can let people listen in to her calls….so when idiot boy used his non-secure personal cell phone to call everyone, the media just shrugged it’s shoulders and said so what….and now a female VP follows the rules on security, it’s a story that lasts two days? This is the kind of thing that just irritates the hell out of me about the media…when it’s dems in charge, every damn thing is a scandal, but when the previous guy tries to overthrow the government it just gets another shrug….no more “bothsiderism” media….do your damn jobs right for a change….geez….