Tag Archives: brainwashed rubes

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Well…with schools starting up and the responsible ones mandating masks for kids and teachers, of course the right wing assholes spurred on by tucker carlson and the kochs, are standing outside schools screaming at children to take off their masks and that masks are just like “raping” children and are filing bogus child abuse charges against these schools and in some cases even parents. What the hell is wrong with these people? In what universe is it okay to attack a 6 year old for following the rules? It was found the other day that the koch right wing networks of think tanks and websites have been sending out instructions to their followers how to attack school boards that mandate masks and other mitigation measures to keep children safe…shouldn’t this be a crime? It should be if is isn’t…these are assaults and these brainwashed assholes need to be held accountable…and especially tucker who daily exhorts his watchers to violence against anyone who would take away their “freedoms”…but, as all of the right these days, the hypocrisy runs high in ole tucker, he and every one at fox “news” has to be vaccinated or they can’t get in the building…seems like a “mandate” to me…I wonder why tucker isn’t walking a picket line outside his studio  to protest? We all know the answer to that…they love manipulating the rubes that watch their crappy shows and get their jollies from them being assholes to other Americans who are doing the right things in the pandemic…and that is what’s wrong with these people…geez…