Tag Archives: brett favre

One more thing about Favre…

Well…I think I may have talked about this one before but the 5 million dollars that Favre and his cronies stole wasn’t the only thing stolen…this same set of cronies paid him 1.1 million dollars to give speeches that he never gave…again out of a fund that is supposed to support the poor people of Mississippi…oh, and he tried to get millions more to build a practice stadium at his alma mater in Mississippi….so, okay, that was two things but damn, he is sure a crook….and I still can’t figure out why he hasn’t been arrested for fraud yet like one of his cronies in this scheme has been….he should be cooling his thieving ass in jail right now…but the whole state of Mississippi is run by his cronies and he is a white football star so that gives him immunity to state charges….so get after it feds, it’s your turn…geez…

Brett Favre is a thief…

Well…what the hell is it with these repub assholes who think it’s no big deal to steal millions of dollars from the poor…and the latest one is the asshole Brett Favre who took 5 million dollars that was earmarked for poor people in Mississippi to build a volleyball arena for the school where his daughter played…yep, he took food out of poor people’s mouths so his privileged daughter could have a nicer place to play volleyball…and the even more sick thing is that Favre is worth over a hundred million dollars and could easily afford to pay for it himself but no, he had to steal money from taxpayers just like every damn repub out there who scream about “big government and high taxes” but lines up at the government trough shouting gimme, gimme while his cronies help him steal…I hope this is one time where the rich don’t get away with it…and the guy who helped him steal is cooperating with the feds so I’ll keep my fingers crossed that this will be one of those times….geez…