Well…hey, I made a good decision a few minutes ago..decided to not go for a ride and it just started raining like crazy and I would of gotten soaked…so, yay me! But, that’s not what this is about…I’m sure you’ve seen the California has had the worst wildfire season in the history of the state with hundreds of thousands of acres burned and whole towns wiped off the face of the Earth…in a normal federal administration, the federal government would be on the scene with multiple agencies doing what they could to help the people recover and start to put their lives back together. That would normally start with a disaster declaration that would qualify those who have lost everything for low cost loans and additional federal grants and other funding to help them start to rebuild…but, not in the idiot trump’s administration…this spiteful little prick has refused to declare a disaster for California which leaves the state and it’s people on their own and guarantees that the recovery will be more painful and slower than it should be…and it’s all because California is a “blue” state that will never vote for trump and he just doesn’t giver a damn about anyone but those who vote for him. Just like the covid pandemic where he didn’t do a damn thing early because he thought the virus was only going to hit “blue” states, the wildfires don’t mean anything to him since they are in California…and this is the first time in history that a major disaster has not gotten any response from the federal government…and it all because trump runs the government. This should be a focus of the Biden campaign, to point out, as he has been doing, that he will be president for all of the country…even states that didn’t vote for him and will make sure that all of the people will get the help they need when they need it…and there will be no spiteful bullshit that trump pushes every day….after all, our government was founded on the proposition that it’s purpose is “to promote the general welfare” of the country…and that is right there in the constitution…a document the trump has never read and doesn’t care what is in it…vote this spiteful little prick out…
Tag Archives: California wildfires
some thoughts…
Well… with the wildfires devastating California and Oregon, don’t you think it’s a little strange that the president of the country has not had a word to say about it? Or has done nothing about it…no offer of federal aid, no visit not a frickin peep out the asshole in chief…and we know the reason why…just as he did with the blue states at the start of the pandemic, trump just doesn’t care about any state that doesn’t vote for him…never mind that he is supposed to be president of all of the people of the US, he is just so damn petty that he won’t do anything, leaving blue states to fend for themselves when a major purpose of the federal government is to help the states when they need it…I wonder what the maga assholes think about that when they live in a blue state? They are probably still cheering as they lose their homes to the fire since it will “own the libs”….what a sick, sick way to think. What else? Oh, it’s now clear that rudy and Ron Johnson are actively working with a Russian operative to get fake dirt on Joe Biden…yep, they are working with a Russian spy who is known to spread Putin’s disinformation and talking point and ole rudy and a sitting US senator are eating it up and actively cooperating with him to damage the US…what the hell happened to the repub party? Crap, they are just another arm of Putin’s party these days and care more about what Putin thinks than what is best for the US…now that IS treason when you work with the US’s enemies to harm the US….god, I hate these guys…more and more every day….