Tag Archives: Carly Fiorina

We have a new worst person in the world…

Well…as you know, there are times when someone does something so egregiously creepy or nasty that I have to comment on it by stealing Keith Olbermann’s “worst person in the world” schtick and now is one of those times. On Wednesday, Carly Fiorina took her already creepy behavior to a new low when she hijacked a bunch of 4 and 5 years olds who were visiting a botanical garden in Iowa to use as props for an anti abortion screed…yep, little kids that just wanted to look at plants were subjected to this child abuse by another repub asshole who is so stupid they think everyone would just love to have their kids used for an anti abortion photo op….now, if I were one of those parents, I would have filed a lawsuit for the many felonies that she has committed here…photographing children without parental consent is one of them….and I would say since the children were not allowed to leave for almost an hour, that would be kidnapping as well…just typical, typical repub behavior….real presidential….geez….

Carly Fiorina is either a liar or just plain stupid…

Well…the repub presidential candidates have show themselves all to be liars, but one stands out in the crowd by being the best liar or just plain stupid. Carly Fiorina started her jaw dropping lies with the whopper that she saw a video that showed PP taking live babies and selling them for their parts…never taking that one back when it was a proven to be a lie….but now, she continues with a newer, better, and more delusional lie from the last debate this week. During the debate she rattled off a bunch of retired generals who she said were “retired” by Obama for telling him what he didn’t want to hear…two of the generals, Petreus, and McChrystal, were forced out for misconduct and one of the remaining, Jack Keane, retired in 2003, five years before Obama even took office and commented that he has never even spoken to Obama…but, did that stop ole Carly? Nope, she said that she didn’t “misspeak”, and that means she meant to tell this lie and didn’t give a damn that it’s not true….we all know that ole Carly is a liar,  now we can also say that she is just plain stupid to go with it…geez…

Carly Fiorina lies just like the rest of them…

Well…the lies just keep on coming from the right these days about Planned Parenthood but this last bunch by Carly Fiorina is just too much…during the debate last week…ole Carly went on and on about the video she said she saw that showed a live baby being dissected for organs at Planned Parenthood…even though this video DOES NOT exist and never did…but the media gave up their responsibility of challenging her on these lies and she continues to spout them…but now, it has gotten even worse with her campaign faking a video that supposedly supports what she said in the debate….and, again the media has given here a pass on this lie when it would be pretty easy to just look for the time stamp on the video which would expose this lie…but none of them will do a damn thing….but, that doesn’t make this any less of a lie and this should disqualify the idiot Carly from ever holding any office…this, along with the lies about her “success” at HP should have gotten her laughed right off the stage…but here we have this idiot rising in the polls as she lies, lies, and lies….I guess that’s what the repub base likes…liars and the lies they tell….she will NEVER be elected in the general…just go home, Carly…only the most rabid of your base wants to hear a word you have to say…geez…

What’s wrong with being an elite?

Well…I’ve been listening to some of the repub candidates and the new, or not so new, talking point has to do with the class warfare they want to foment between themselves, the just regular folks, and the “East coast or political elites” that they say have screwed up this country. Let’s take the statement by Carly Fiorina, the fired ex-head of Hewlett Packard who ran the company into the ground and then parachuted out with a 50 million dollar severance which has powered her race in California. A race that she has spent almost 40 million dollars of her own money on to get elected, and that has for one of the main themes the attacks on the “elites” that run this country. Now, I think that someone who can spend 40 million dollars of their own money on a political campaign pretty elite, don’t you? And yet, the people that follow her are eating this stuff up. Are they too stupid or are they too blinded by rage to do the thinking that would make this assertion by Carly laughable at best?

Then, we have the anti intellectual Christine O’Donnell making fun of the fact and bursting her chest with pride that she didn’t go to Yale like her opponent; that she doesn’t have an advanced degree but is “just like you” and asserts that her lack of accomplishment either educationally or in life in general makes her the most qualified person for the senate seat from Delaware. When did the great accomplishment of graduating from college and going on to graduate school become a bad thing? It used to be that it was a great pride of America that these things could happen; and that the people that did the work and made the sacrifice to earn those advanced degrees were somehow special, and were to be emulated. But, the repubs have made it an asset to be the least educated, least capable, and least self-aware of any of the candidates…and their followers howl with derision at anyone who can think and make them think. I think what this is going to guarantee as the years pass is that we get people elected that truly don’t believe that we need to support education, that it is not really important for the “Real Americans” and will accelerate our slide to second class nation status.

But, this doesn’t need to happen, we can ensure that we continue to go forward as a nation by finding the smart people to elect, that have shown that they have the toughness to get into the trenches to fight for a better America…who won’t quit when the going gets tough (yep, that’s for you Sister Sarah) and who realizes that compromise is what makes a democracy work; not slash and burn…geez…