Well…amid all of the lies coming out of the idiot in chief that children are “virtually immune” to the coronavirus and that means there is no danger from sending them back to school, news reports out today blow that lie into pieces…over the past two weeks, more than 97,000 children have been diagnosed with the virus, and that is before the wholesale opening of in person school across the country. Now, it does appear that in most cases, the infection is less severe in children, but they do still die from it…and we still don’t know what if the long term effects are the same as in adults where there have been cardio vascular, neurological, respiratory, and many other long term effects even after the patient is discharged from the hospital….so what would that do to a child who is infected? Are there learning disabilities or other long term consequences? At this point, no one really knows but do we want to run a real time experiment on our children where an entire generation is put at risk? That is what the repubs want just to help get idiot boy elected again…if I were a parent with children in school, this is the last thing I would allow to happen to my children…and I certainly wouldn’t vote for any politician that supported this, especially without funding any mitigation measures that would help keep the kids safe….the repubs are just a bunch of damn ogres…