Tag Archives: Chinese balloon

Can they be any more ridiculous?

Well…I guess now it’s all balloon all the time with the ridiculous repubs…and my question is: “Can they get any more ridiculous?” The answer to that is yes…let’s back up a bit in case you didn’t read the news the past few days…there has been a spy balloon from China floating over Canada and the US the past week or so and the repubs were just freaking out about it…whining and crying that Joe Biden wasn’t doing anything about it even going so far as on repub house member threatening to impeach Biden for his allowing the balloon to continue collecting information and not shooting it down as soon as it was seen…other repubs told their followers to get their guns and try to shoot it down themselves…which is really stupid given that the balloon was the size of a stadium and floating at 65,000 feet in the air…but no one ever accused the repubs of being too bright…so, after the balloon floated over the ocean, Biden sent the Air Force in with an F-22 and shot it down where it wouldn’t do any damage when it fell…and after that, it was revealed that the Air Force had jammed the signals so no information could be sent back to China and we were able to read the signals and analysts are working on the data to see just what the balloon was for….oh, and the kicker? The idiot trump had three of these go over the US and did nothing…no signal jamming, no shooting them down, no nothing…and the loud mouths who are attacking Biden knew about them…didn’t hear them bitching then…geez…