Tag Archives: Chris Collins

Lawless republicans…

Well….the swamp keeps getting deeper and deeper with the lawless repubs finding more and more ways to show that they don’t giveĀ  a damn about the laws of this country. Over the past decade, almost every damn day, there is another instance of repubs thinking that the laws of this country don’t apply to them…only to the little people like you and me. The latest comes from one of trump’s biggest supporters in the House, Chris Collins, a NY rep, was just indicted along with his son and his son’s father in law for insider trading where they used information that Collins got as part of his rep position to short sell an Australian pharma company whose new drug for MS failed in clinical trials…this was done before the information became public and saved them almost 800,000 dollars that they would have lost when the stock tanked. Collins and his family were not the only ones who benefited from this insider trading…there were a half dozen other repub reps that were in on the scheme that haven’t been charged yet…and the sick thing is that the lawbreaking phone call to Collin’s son came from the WH lawn, showing that the repub bleatings about respect for the US and it’s institutions are just BS that they spout to get the rubes to vote for them. Is every damn repub in this government a criminal? It sure looks like it….impeach…