Well…another spectacle in the senate today when one of the chief insurrectionists, Josh Hawley, was questioning the FBI chief Chris Wray about the January 6th attack on the capital…first, why the hell did they let one of the people responsible for the attack question anyone? You remember ole Joshie…the smug little prick who gave the raised fist salute to the attackers of the capital just before the attack began? And who was one of 9 repub senators who tried to overturn the legal results of the election? One interesting line of questioning was when ole Joshie asked if there were cell tower records of the day in question and if there were social media records for that day, too, and Joshie asking for that information sounds to me that he is really worried that he is going to show up in that data with either a phone call to the attackers or cell data that would show he met with some of them before the attack. I really do hope they have that data and find that little shit in it…he deserves a felony charge for conspiracy if he does…keep sweating Joshie…