Tag Archives: Cop murder

Finally, a cop is held responsible…

Well…another day, another cop murder here in the US, but this time, he is going to be held responsible. On the 4th of April, an SC cop pulled over a motorist (black, of course) on the trumped up “fact” that he had a taillight out…that’s kind of funny when it was a new car and in the daylight….and the normal scuffle happened, according to the cop, and then the driver ran away and the cop shot him 8 times in the back. And, the cop said all of the normal things from the cop playbook…he attacked me, he tried to get my gun and I shot him during a struggle…only a tiny, little problem with that…none of it was true. A passerby who just happened to have a camera on him (who doesn’t  these days?) captured the entire encounter including the cop planting his taser next to the dead man’s body. Now, I have ranted here about how the cops are out of control…maybe it’s not a rant, maybe it’s really true. In this case, finally, the cop has been fired, charged with murder and is sitting in the can awaiting arraignment…but, what about the rest of them….after all of the press about the outrageous behavior of cops, you would think that they would learn that this violence is not acceptable and there are increasing chances that they will get caught…but, what to do they do? They just keep on abusing citizens every day…I just have to conclude that cops are not too bright or have gotten away with it so long that they feel invincible to accountability…..let’s hope the tide is changing…geez…