Tag Archives: covid hospital stay cost

Hey, antivaxxers, listen to this…

Well…I have a question for all of the antivaxxers out there….is your “freedom” from the vaccine or wearing masks worth 1.14 million dollars? Just read an article where the father of an antivaxxer who died after 3 weeks in the hospital posted the bill they got for the stay…1.14 million dollars just for the hospital part of the bill…it didn’t include any fees for the doctors or specialists who treated this guy…I would guess when all is said and done, the bill will probably be 1.25 million dollars…never mind that even if this guy would have survived the virus he would have had years of rehab that would add hundreds of thousands more…not to mention that he wouldn’t ever be able work again so his family would take that hit, too….so, I ask again antivaxxers, what is your “freedom” from vaccines and mask wearing worth? I doubt it’s 1.14 million dollars….geez……selfish pricks…