Well…I think last Saturday’s Senate vote to repeal DADT will go down as a great leap forward in the cause of civil rights here in America. It’s about time that institutionalized discrimination in any form is eliminated from our society…I’ve lived through the slow march for civil rights here and I can say that as I was watching the vote live, I was again proud of the US…and I will give a hearty thanks to the 8 brave Republicans who let their sense of fairness override their party’s pressure to vote no. But the day was marred by the pathetic display from John McCain who has found that his voice for prejudice is being left behind by our society….I think the majority of the repubs were just livid since one of their wedge issues, that has won them elections in the past, is no longer effective….what do they have left? They have lost taxes as an issue with Obama’s compromise, they have lost DADT and other civil rights as issues to be used to divide the country, and I think when people start to see what their plans are for dividing country by changing the constitution for their narrow views of what the country can be, they will lose that issue as well.
All I have to add to the repubs is: enjoy the next two years…I think it will be your last….unless you can step up and be adults governing with the dems for the benefit of all Americans, not just the right-wing screamers and business….
Well…read a little tidbit of information in the newspapers this morning that I hope will put his whole “terrorists are everywhere” and the biggest threat to our way of life nonsense to a rest once and for all. There were 250,000 people killed in natural disasters around the world this year…..and that number is more than the people killed by terror attacks in the last 40 years combined. Yep, all of the attacks, in all of the countries, across the globe added together for the last 40 years and mother nature kills more than that in a year. So, why the heck are we so afraid of terror attacks? It can’t be because they can’t be predicted. Or that they are of a larger scale than a hurricane, typhoon, or earthquakes. Then, what is it?
My answer is a short and sweet one…because the repubs made both political and monetary profit from keeping the scare machine going…who are the people that got the contracts for the new body scanners….repubs that came out of the revolving door of government and industry and used that incestuous relationship cynically to profit from keeping everybody scared. Aren’t you tired of being scared? If you are, it’s up to you, me and the rest of America to stand up and say that life has risks, but protection from this greatly overblown risk is not worth giving up the freedom that defines America…I hope with the DADT vote and others that have been delayed by the fear and smear tactics of the repubs, we have started to see through the fear; and have started to reclaim the innate fairness and good that is this country. We can hope…
Well…I hope this latest round of political theater convinces Obama that the repubs are not worthy of even talking to, let alone compromising with and we will get some spine growing back in the Dems. First let’s talk about Susan Collins, the repub senator who has said she will hold up the START treaty vote unless ole GW tells her it’s okay…hasn’t anyone told her the he is not president anymore? Could you imagine the howls that would come from the right if any Dem senator said he was going to hold up a vital treaty until Bill Clinton said it was okay to vote for it? These guys are quickly slipping down the rabbit hole….when did senators stop thinking for themselves?
Then, we had Mitch McConnell, fresh from the invite to the White House to talk about how they can work together to move the country forward stepping up to the microphones and basically repeating the repub line that the only people that need to and have to compromise is the Dems….and proceeds to block a vote on UI benefits and all other legislation until these extortionists get to give away 700 billion dollars to the rich as soon as he gets back to the senate. It’s what I have been proposing for quite a while now…you can’t work with or compromise with these thugs so they need to be set up to take responsibility for ruining this country…and shame on Obama if he can’t figure out how to do it…geez…
Oh, then the third thing…and probably the most absurd is the continuing repub pledges to fight the repeal of DADT…what happened the the old repub saying that they would defer to the commanders? Just to make this clear…all of the commanders have come out for repeal….but you know why the repubs are still resisting this…it is red meat to their base and they want to make sure they can still use it for turnout in two years…what a cynical bunch of pricks…
Well…listening to the repubs talk and block the repeal of DADT (don’t ask, don’t tell) all I can do is look back to the late 40′s when this same party (and to be honest, some of the Dems) said exactly the same things about the integration of the armed forces….and it is so funny to the absurd when you just substitute gays for African Americans in the comments from that time. Do the repubs even know that history exists? You wouldn’t think so with how they are treating this issue…an issue of civil rights where they always come out on the wrong side. Their primary argument goes to the idea of unit cohesiveness, readiness, and willingness to fight, and they just KNOW that allowing gays to serve openly will ruin the army….tell that to the Israelis, the Brits, Germans, and many other armies in the world. Tell that idea to the folks who have come up against the Israelis in any war they’ve fought. By keeping this policy, we align and compare ourselves to some of the most repressive countries in the world…where gays are still routinely murdered for being who they are…countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and countless others where the idea of civil rights has never taken hold.
It’s all just political BS where the repubs can energize their base by supporting this misguided policy; just a part of their larger plan to keep gays and lesbians in their place just like they tried for African Americans in the 40′s, 50′s, and 60′s, and deal another defeat to Obama. Are any of you tiring of these made up issues as I am? Let’s remember that the constitution (you repubs remember that document…the one you wave around all the time?) guarantees equal protection under the law…to everybody…geez….
What you never want to be….