Well….just when you thought Roseanne couldn’t be any worse of a person, it comes to light that she has been attacking the Parkland shooting survivors, David Hogg, specifically by re-tweeting the right wing conspiracy that claims that David Hogg gave a Nazi salute during his March for Our Lives address…and this is just one of the harassments and conspiracies that the right has been pushing since these brave kids said enough to school murders and have started doing something about it. To have someone like Roseanne personally attackĀ and slur a 17 year old kid for speaking his mind and expressing his first amendment right to speak, is just frickin wrong and the execs at ABC who support this person need to do something about it…a fake apology is not enough…we need to boycott this rotten to the core person and ensure that this hate is not rewarded…after all, boycotts work…just look at Laura Ingraham, whose advertisers are abandoning her show on fox after she also attacked David Hogg on Twitter….this type of hate can’t go unpunished in a civil society…and I hope Roseanne pays with the loss of her show….geez…