Well…just a short one about what is happening in Indiana with the repubs and the fact that the tea partiers are primarying Senator Dick Lugar and it looks like he is going to lose. The shame about this is that the TP is using one of his strengths, the fact that he will reach across the aisle and work with the dems, against him, and with the idiots that are the TP, they are going to throw one of the most accomplished senators out for a moron that has never accomplished anything. I probably shouldn’t be concerned about this since, if Lugar loses, the dem candidate will probably win what was a secure seat for the repubs. This just shows you the trajectory that the repub party is on…that unless you are just as unreasonable and stupid as the TP, you have no place there….that if you really want to make a better America, you have no place there….I can see the collapse of the repubs coming…and with the TP pulling the strings, it can’t come too soon…geez…