Well…poor, poor baby Brett Kavanaugh…last night when he was going out to dinner at some fancy restaurant in DC, protestors found out about his reservation and peacefully protested outside the restaurant and he was such a chickenshit that he had them sneak him out the back door of the restaurant…of course, the right wing assholes have been whining about this all day today…saying he has the “right” to be able go out to dinner without seeing protesters…hey, righties, guess what…women still had the right to control their own bodies until bretty boy overthrew 50 years of precedent and voted as the people who bought his seat wanted him to…and it is a first amendment right to peaceful assembly that even bretty boy can’t overturn…and it was his fellow right wingers on the court who said it was just perfectly fine for anti abortion protesters to harass women getting reproductive care and there was no carve out for lying SC justices so they don’t have to see people protesting their corrupt behavior on the court…so tough shit bretty boy…you did this to yourself by attacking women’s rights and trampling the constitution….it’s much less than you deserve….like impeachment…geez…