Tag Archives: Dow Chemical

Dow and the Supreme Court….

Well…getting to the end of the month and I am running out of topics so it looks like I will need a couple of fillers to make the goal for the month…I did want to talk about the effect the death of Scalia is having on business…many of them are realizing that with Scalia gone, business will no longer have their best set of shills on the court who invariably rule for business…and you only have to look at Citizens United and the Hobby Lobby decisions to see how far these guys will bend over backward to make sure business and the 1% get what they paid for….and the latest indicator that business is realizing the gravy train is over is the settlement that Dow Chemical made over the past week of almost a billion dollars to settle a price fixing class action suit even going so far to mention the supreme court changes as the reason they wanted to settle….now, when you have a statement like that…that nakedly admits that they had the court in their pocket until Scalia died and they think that they won’t get another one like him, another business shill, when the next justice is appointed….this should really trouble anyone who naively thought that the court was fairly deciding cases without ideology entering into it….geez…