Tag Archives: economics 101

Econ 101…

Well…the repubs hell bent on destroying the economy with more tax cuts for the rich and corporations, I thought it is time to go back and talk a little Econ 101. First, lets get to the nonsense that cutting taxes on the rich will trickle down and benefit everyone else…IT DOESN’T WORK….all of times this has been tried and everywhere it’s been tried, all it did was balloon the deficit or make sure that massive cuts to education, roads, and everything else had to happen…just take a look at the mess in Kansas when all of these stupid ideas were tried over the past two years and it cratered the economy there…so now doing the same thing to the whole country will make it work? Second, corporations have so much cash on hand that they just don’t know what to do with it, so why would a tax cut make them add workers? It is DEMAND that makes businesses expand and, with the lag in growth of consumer income and the resultant lack of demand, you could cut business taxes to zero and they would still not add any more jobs….and that is a fact, it’s not liberal bias, or the fake news that the modern repubs live on…it is a fact…but, as we know, facts don’t mean anything to these idiots…and they would never let facts get in the way of legislating their ideology….geez…