Tag Archives: EPA regulations

The normal right wing lies…

Well…with the release of the new carbon regulations from the EPA this past week, the right wing lie machine has kicked into high gear again…spewing the same tired, old crap they always do…that regulations cost jobs, money, etc. etc….but the problem is that they have been saying this since the 60′s and they have been wrong every time…yep, every time…here are a few examples:

In 1990, the WSJ editorial board said the Clean Air Act amendment would threaten the economic expansion…but, the result was the best economy the country has ever seen…

Again in 1990, Mobil Oil officials testified that the new cleaner gasoline standards would cause major supply disruptions…didn’t happen.

The National Assoc of Manufacturers in 1987 said that new regs to reduce acid rain would cost millions of jobs and contract the economy…didn’t happen…

Henry Ford II said that the new seat belt and safety glass rules would force Ford out of business…can you still buy a Ford? Yep…

So, the next time you hear the same old crap about lost jobs and a failing economy that will come from protecting the health and safety of Americans, just remember that these folks lie…and they have never been right….geez…