Well…I guess the new attack on Biden is that he wore a mask out in public when he laid a wreath at a memorial on Memorial day….it started with the idiot Brit Hume posting a photo of Biden wearing a mask in public and asking the question: “does Biden look presidential?” Trying to make the whole thing about how he looks and implying that a “real man” like trumpĀ doesn’t need no stinkin mask…look, Brit…biden is following the recommendations to wear masks in public to protect other people and himself and is modeling that no one is above the rules and everyone has a responsibility to their fellow Americans to do their part…that is pretty damn presidential to me…hey, Brit…is trump’s tweeting of a conspiracy theory that Joe Scarborough murdered someone in his office presidential? Then today we have idiot boy’s press secretary trying to start a new Biden conspiracy theory that there is “a discrepancy there” because Biden and his wife aren’t wearing masks in their house when they do remote interviews but they wore them when they were out in public…god, these people are dumb…look, from the very damn start, if you are staying at home with people from your own household and no one is infected, it is perfectly fine to not use PPE around them…but you need to use masksĀ when you go out in public around people who are not from your household since you don’t know if they are spreading the virus…see, how frickin hard was that? I guess even that simple set of behaviors is too much for the trumpites to remember with their feeble little brains…cripes…