Well…how stupid are the people who run the right wing rag “The Federalist”? Stupid enough to attack Dolly Parton, that’s how much…and they called her interpretation of christianity a “false gospel” because she doesn’t hate gay people…now these pretend christians are going after her because she said she loved everybody…look, there is probably not many people who have done more good than Dolly…supporting the LGBTQ community with no reservations, distributedĀ hundreds of million of books to children, and living a life to be emulated…something that the haters are jealous of…and one of the attacks was that Dolly has said that she doesn’t judge people and the Federalist assholes turned that into a “get out of jail free card” andĀ a way to “sidestep” addressing sin directly…and what these assholes are calling a sin is being gay…something only the maga folks think…so, shut the hell up you right wing assholes…no one wants to hear your bullshit…geez…