Well…it is the end of the month and a Friday so that means it’s a cocktail night so I thought I’d get this one done before I retire to the couch for some relaxation…just read about a new study done on what drives the tea party…not the founding of it..we all know it was an astroturf organization founded by the Koch’s and other right wing billionaires to use to funnel money into right wing causes…but, what has been kept hidden to the mainstream media..well…not hidden but of no interest to them….is the glue that holds it together….and, a new study done at Florida state puts science to work to divine what that is…and guess what? It’s racial resentment! And racism….thank you Captain Obvious for that little nugget of truth…from the start, the tea party was a movement of white guys that just hated that there was a black guy in the White House…how else do you explain the constant effort of everyone on the right to de-legitimize the president? It’s not complex…they hate black people and this is how racists react…simple as that…..geez…