Tag Archives: Freedom Works

The truth comes out…

Well…if you’ve paid any attention to ongoing story of the tea party and their efforts to position themselves as anti tax and anti big government, you’ve seen some cracks lately that expose what they truly are…just retreaded social conservative repubs. Their handlers at Freedom Works (the billionaires club that is backing them) must be going nuts when they stray from the coached lines they have been told to say; the poll driven, faux populist themes of big socialist government and tax cuts for the rich. But, it looks like they are herding cats with the meltdown of their darling, Carl Paladino, who is running for governor of New York. At a meeting with conservative religious groups over the last week, the curtain was pulled back on the drivers of the movement, the same old race and gay bashing that has been a cancer on this country for too many years. In those meetings, Mr. Paladino fell back into the tired old attacks on the “Gay agenda” and the standard right wing assertion that there is indoctrination of our children to accept the gay “lifestyle.” Where is this guy from, the 50′s?

But this crap was only the latest in the truth of the tea party being exposed in the statements of their “superstar” candidates…where Sharron Angle brings back one of the greatest hits of the repub playbook in her advocacy of privatization of Social Security and Christine O’Donnell wants to create a Christian theocracy and doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state. Haven’t we heard this all before? I do give credit to Dick Armey and his partners the Koch brothers in maintaining this scam for so long, but underneath it all is just the same old crap in a new package called the Tea Party. Geez…

Okay…I know this isn’t the one about corporate money buying the election but when inspiration hits, who knows where it will take you…and this time it took me someplace else…