Tag Archives: Gary Cohn


Well…with the lying repubs lying again about their tax cuts for the rich and corporations; saying they will spur investment by the corporations and HUGE amounts of new jobs….well, to listen to the ceo’s. not so much….in a business forum the other day, Gary Cohn asked for a show of hands from the attendees who would be investing and adding jobs if their taxes are cut….didn’t turn out how he expected when only a few raised their hands…and this goes to how the tax cuts are ideological in nature…they have never worked to spur investment or create jobs….not from Reagan, not from Bush, not ever….all tax cuts for the rich ever do is make the rich richer…especially in this time when corporations have more retained cash on hand than ever in history….and would invest it if there was excess demand for their products…but, with how wages have stagnated even as prices rise, demand can’t rise without consumers taking on more and more debt…which they are reluctant to do….so, the ceo’s know what is going on…now, they need to tell the repubs that tax cuts are not needed….geez…