Tag Archives: GOP stupidity

They are just so damn dumb…

Well…just running through my twitter feed and this jaw dropper from the official repub party twitter account just made me shake my head…”1101 pounds of deadly fentanyl and 10,528 pounds of methamphetamine were seized at the southern border in May alone. Joe Biden is allowing drugs to continue to pour through our southern border because of his open border policies.”

Now, does anyone else spot the problem with this stupid statement…okay, I’ll wait…there you go, I think the key word is “seized” hey, GOP seized means it was stopped at the border and didn’t “pour” into the country…are all of you that damn dumb? It sure appears that way when you continue to try to make a scandal of people doing their jobs and stopping drugs AT THE BORDER….cripes, this crap is getting so stupid I just want to bang my head against the wall until it is so damaged that I can then think at the level of these morons…please don’t vote for them anymore….geez…