Well..have been taking in the outright nuttiness from the right on background checks for gun purchasers and the fear…no, that’s not it…the paranoia that is oozing from these folks that background checks will lead to gun registries and then the government coming to get everyone’s guns to subjugate the populace. Man, how stupid are these people? First, in this age of social media, do these folks think that the start of gun confiscation could be kept secret? Second, who is going to go after the guns in a country the size of the US? If they mobilized every soldier, police office, and dog catcher, the process would take years and what would people be doing while this started? Just sitting in their houses waiting? From this bunch of wannabee Rambos? Third, why not just hide the damn things when they come for them? Is the government going to dig up every back yard in the country? I have had enough of these alarmist idiots being taken seriously…we do need sensible gun regulations just like we need financial regulations and the other regulations that help set the rules that make societies run….geez…