Tag Archives: gut government

No “common good” for modern repubs..

Well…I can remember a time when both major parties thought the purpose of government was to build the “common good” that would benefit all of the people in the US…but the rightward lurch of the modern repubs has them repudiating that purpose and instead saying that government’s sole purpose is to use it’s power to attack the enemies of the country…and guess who gets to decide who is an enemy? Yep, the repubs think it should be only them…they don’t even hide the fact that they feel that way anymore…just listen to the list of the agencies/programs they want to make go away and turn this country into the hellscape they lie about constantly…public schools? Defund and privatize them to make profits for their buddies…Department of Education? Abolish it…Medicare, Medicaid, and any public health programs? Slash them and repeal them…Public lands like national parks? Sell them off to their buddies again for pennies on the dollar…public transport? Abolish it…you get the idea…not one repub wants the government to do anything that will help even their voters…in fact the stupid repub rank and file will keep voting for them even though, or maybe because they keep hurting them…all I know is I’ve had enough of these stupid voters ruining my country by electing repubs…so get your butt out to vote…or better yet, here in Michigan, just sign up for a permanent absentee ballot that is available to everyone with no reason necessary…I voted from my couch…geez…