Well…just waiting for the washer to finish so I can put the clothes in the dryer and then go out and mow the lawn, but I thought I’d come here first and just do a little one on something that made me laugh this morning….it appears that the FBI confiscated the pillow guy’s phone as he was eating at a Hardees yesterday….I didn’t know they even had Hardees anymore and someone who is supposed to be a billionaire eating there? I guess all of his effort to get information on voter fraud into the hands of the FBI finally happened, though not the conspiracy theories he has been trying to give to them since the 2020 election…I think this means that the investigations into trump and his cronies are picking up speed and breath but I really do wish they would charge some of these assholes and get them to shut the hell up….oh, well…it’s coming soon…tick tock, trump…