Well…with the start of the January 6th hearings tonight, I’m going to implore all of my readers and the rest of the country to do our civic duty and watch them…8pm tonight on every channel but the traitors channel…otherwise known as fox news…but not just watch, take in the information that is going to come out and use it to inform your vote…and understand that everyone who was involved in trying to overthrow the government was a repub…and we know that even before any hearings or investigation….they all did it openly and in plain sight so you have to wonder what is going to come out that was hidden….the news has already reported that all of the facts so far point right back to the idiot trump…that his WH was the epicenter of all the criminal activity trying to keep him in power and most of the legal analysts think he has committed multiple felonies in the furtherance of the conspiracy…the key to this whole thing is what we do with the information we will get from the 6 hearings that are scheduled….do not fall into the the trap that both sides do it…never in the history of the country has a dem been involved in trying to overthrow the legally elected government of the US…not damn once and anyone saying otherwise is lying to go with the big lie that the election was “stolen” from idiot boy….so we need to take this information, put partisanship aside and do our civic duty and vote these traitors out of office…and guarantee they never get anywhere near the government again…and criminally prosecute anyone who broke the law trying to keep trump in office…that is the bare minimum…and it is our duty to make sure it happens…or the country is lost….