Tag Archives: Helene

Trump lies, of course…

Well…with the devastation that hurricane Helene left behind in Georgia and NC, the shameless liar trump spewed lies lies and more lies about the response to the disaster and blatantly tried to use it for political purposes saying that “maga areas of the states have been abandoned” by Biden and he is not even taking phone calls from the governors of those states…the only problem with that is that governor Kemp of Georgia debunked that lie an almost real time saying that he talked to Biden Sunday and is in almost contact with the federal agencies that Biden has mobilized to deal with the disaster…and guess who didn’t ask the governor to kiss his ass before he’s send any aid at all…yeah, trump did that but Biden didn’t…with Biden and Harris, it’s all hands on deck to bring the full force of the federal government to help the affected areas…but, in the 2025 project the the idiot trump says he will implement, these types of efforts will be left to the states and they will have to fend for themselves…look, there are things that should be the purview of the feds like these disasters…no one state can shoulder the burden and shouldn’t have to…but they hate the federal government so much they don’t care…they just want to prove the point that government doesn’t wok…and they are doing their best to make sure that’s true…geez…