Well…just a quick one on some good news for our side in a poll that came out this weekend….this one asked people what their most important issue is for the election this fall…and get this, the top spot is “saving democracy” with 31% and that plays right into our messaging that has been going on since January 6th…that the dems will do everything in their power to save and protect democracy while the repubs are doing everything they can to destroy it….and our candidates for senate are polling so well that ole mitch mcconnell has just about given up ever being majority leader again and 538 has given us a 66% chance of holding the senate and holding the house is getting closer every day…but there is still work to do and I need everyone to go out and vote for our side…this is the most important election in the country’s history and we need to knock the repubs out for good…let’s do this….geez…