Well…with all of the threats the repubs in the house have been leveling for investigations on everyone for everything, the only thing I have to say is bring it on…the one thing our side does is follow the rules and I don’t think the public really wants the repub bullshit anymore…they are admitting that they are not going to govern but just take revenge on the dems for doing their jobs and helping Americans and the world…I am getting pretty damn tired of the projection that these asses perform every day…since the repubs are so corrupt, they think everyone is but look what happened the last time they controlled the house…8 investigations of Benghazi and Hillary sitting in front of a committee for 11 hours and what did they get out of it…yep, nothing…they found no wrongdoing of any sort and that is what they are going to find this time no matter what the crazies like jordan think….I mean how do you investigate a conspiracy theory? That is all the supposed wrongdoing by dems is and I think it’s going to expose the repubs for who they are….lunatics…geez…