Well…still staying away from politics for a while so I need new things to talk about…so I guess I’ll talk about a couple of shows that I have been watching lately, Westworld and Humans….I find it odd that two shows with basically the same premise: what it is to be human…are on at the same time. I guess that most stories have been told already so maybe that is why these are repeaters….in both series, the artificial humans are going through the same process of self awareness and the questions are asked of what is it to be human…and what rights they have, along with the idea of what responsibilities do humans have to them once they become sentient…or do they have any? It isĀ an interesting concept and it is worlds away from the idea from the 1973 Westworld movie where the robots basically went crazy and started killing everyone at the amusement park where they were deployed…I wonder if that is going to happen in Westworld the tv show? I know in Humans, the artificial humans have started to defend themselves from arbitrary death that seems to be only a moment away and that is another interesting concept…do they have the right to do that? I’ve always liked thought provoking stories whether they are in books, in films, or on tv….at least it gives me something other than politics to talk about….