Well…as the noose tightens around the idiot trump and his cronies, they have started to threaten anyone and everyone who has anything to do with holding them accountable that there will be “riots in the streets” if trump is indicted and that they will investigate and impeach everyone if they take back the house. Now, isn’t this a crime? It sure appears that this is obstruction of justice and interference in an ongoing investigation just to mention two laws…both felonies by the way and Lindsey Graham is out there, scared shitless that he is going to jail, egging on the deplorables into starting a new civil war if he or trump get indicted…which they both probably will. Didn’t they learn anything from January 6th? That anyone pulling this bullshit again is going to jail…oh, that’s right, none of these idiots are very bright…and here’s the thing…if they would have held trump responsible at the start of this crap, he would be in jail right now and none of these bigmouths would be on fox news since their lawyers would be telling them to keep their traps shut….so indict these assholes already and let’s call their bluff…geez…