Well…as I talked about before, I am quite a big fan of movies from India and spent the nights this weekend watching a couple that popped up on the server….Baahubali 1&2….now, there is a wonderful strangeness to most of them, with most of the ones I’ve seen having lots of music and dancing…and that is even in the gangster movies that they make. Baahubali was no different….a huge, sprawling epic set of movies that reminded me of American movies from the 30′s in the way they were almost naive and simplistic in how they treated right and wrong. The only problem I had with the movies were the subtitles and the work it takes to read them that distracted from the visuals somewhat…and they were gorgeously shot movies…but, at 2 1/2 hours each….it took quite a bit of work to get through them….worthwhile, though to see the world through a different culture’s viewpoint…..