Well….a news story that just came out today made me laugh a bit with the irony of it….it appears that taking horse de-wormer to treat covid is not such a good idea…a study that was done a few months back showed that men who took the drug lost most of their fertility…yep, that’s right, the idiots who are flocking to this treatment have less sperm and most of it is mutated so they can’t reproduce anymore…you know, I just thought of Charles Darwin when I read that article and think it just perfect that these morons will have a hard time having any more little idiots…and with them dying in droves because they didn’t get the vaccine, it thins the herd quite a bit and that is just what this country needs…you can’t reason with these morons so the only way to get through to them is if they die….and I won’t shed one damn tear when they do…geez…