Tag Archives: infrastructure hypocrisy

Every damn repub…

Well…god, I hate the liars in the repub party..I just frickin hate them…ever since the dems passed the infrastructure act without one repub vote and it has started to do what it was supposed to do, fund infrastructure projects across the country and stimulate the good jobs that come with these construction projects…and as soon as the projects got started, every damn repub who voted against the act has tried to take credit for the jobs and economic activity it has spurred…and that includes the idiot jd vance who was caught on camera bragging about the 200 million dollars in projects for Ohio…I wonder if any of the media is going to get off it’s ass and ask him how he can take credit for something he voted against and railed against as “wasteful” spending when the law was being passed…I have had enough of these hypocrites who always try to have it both ways and no one holding them responsible for their lies…geez…