Tag Archives: internet

Rotten people…

Well…in my daily travels across the internet to the news sites that I use, one of the things I have noticed is how people have become so rotten in their comments on any issue…the racists, the bigots, and the haters seem to have taken over the internet and it is breathtaking how vile these people can be…after Ferguson there were many commenters that were gleefully supporting the murder of that young man and hoping that the police there would kill many more of the protestors….and this is just one example of the hate that comes form the right…have you heard of the preacher that is proposing a constitutional amendment that would put all gays in jail for 10 years at hard labor just for being gay? I am just wondering where all this hate comes from…or is it that the internet allows for anonymity so people can vent their true feelings without fear of the society being repulsed by them?  All I know is that many people now feel emboldened by the support for these vile comments and it makes me sick…geez….