Well…with all the hyperventilating on the right about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the “explosive” information it may or not contain, let’s look at the numbers here and see if any of it is abnormal in any way. the latest talking point is that Hunter’s firm made 11 million dollars from 2013 to 2018….hmmm…11 million divided by 6 is 1.83 million dollars a year….and the right thinks that is a lot of money for a consulting firm and would make an irresistible bribe? So, what does that make the 640 million dollars that jared and ivanka raked in when the were working in the WH? Let’s remember that Hunter never worked in government while his firm was making 11 million dollars over 6 years and his father was not president yet, so the chance that any of it was a bribe was exceedingly small…but with jarvanka? You just have to look at the 2 billion dollars that the saudis gave jared after he left the WH to see a real bribe…or was it for services rendered? I just can’t figure out why when a repub goes off about Hunter that the media doesn’t ask just this question…ask them if they don’t think there might be a small possibility that the 640 mil that jarvanka made might be considered a bribe? And keep hammering them on it until they answer or run away…and all dems should be doing the same thing…when these right wing morons spout off about Hunter, there needs to be a senator or congressperson go to the media and ask these questions…and ask why they weren’t concerned with WH employees taking 640 million dollars while working there…that should shut them up pretty quickly and would get us in practice for playing hardball…geez…